Distance From Job Site
Another challenge occurs when drawings are stored in a particular place on a campus or building, but the repairs need to happen elsewhere. Therefore, staff members are required to go to the plan room to locate a drawing or document and then return to the job site, wasting valuable time.
Life Safety Risks
Finally, facility managers are responsible for ensuring the safety of all the people who use and work in their buildings. They need quick access to all life safety drawings and documents. They must be able to have the fire protection information accessible at all times. They need to respond to fires, floods, leaks, or any other catastrophes, which may put peoples’ lives at risk. If documents are lost or destroyed, it can drastically slow recovery times.
Paper Documents are Fragile
Additionally, paper documents are extremely vulnerable because there is often only one copy of the document. The information could be lost forever if they become misplaced or damaged. They are usually stored in the most at risk locations in a building such as the basement or penthouse. Moisture, changes in humidity and temperature, dirt, and mold can severely damage the documents. Once the information is gone, the cost to replicate it is extremely expensive!